Sunday, May 4, 2008

Retrospective Travel Blog 1- transportation

Between a somewhat hectic itinerary, gorgeous daytime weather, and a general lack of reliable (/free) internet connections I have managed to pass my entire trip to Spain without blogging. In absence of writing, I have jotted notes and taken copious photos - much of which I hope to organize and share in the coming days.

Reflecting on the whole trip during the journey home today I came up with a broader theme that may best collect my random observations during the trip - that being the relationship between transportation, travel, and resulting perspective of a place. There is a very pointed realization in this that one's experience of a place changes per the speed, proximity, and the scale at which you view it. Multiple readings of any place exist and a variety compounded can paint possibly endless numbers of accounts of one locale.

I'll attempt more detail with this later - but for now, the overview of my trip follows. There is the blurry vast experience of Spain upon arriving and departing by plane. The spotted experience of the trip south through Spain from Barcelona to Granada by train, contrasting with an extensive trip back up the coast by bus. Shorter journeys through agricultural Andalusia by direct buses and finally various readings of Barcelona (as well as Granada, Cordoba, and Almeria) from bus/taxi/foot travel.

Having taken different routes between like points on the various legs of this trip, I notice each having left very different impressions.

More to follow when jet lag wears off.

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